War Memorial Hough on the Hill

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Thread Topic: War Memorial Hough on the Hill
Topic Originator: Michael Peck
Post Date January 24, 2006 @ 6:20 AM
 War Memorial Hough on the Hill

Michael Peck
January 24, 2006 @ 6:20 AM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

The War Memorial at Hough on the Hill has been recorded.
Names appearing are :-
WW2 - Captain A. Wilfrd McCreary (The Loyals), Driver Frank E. Bamford
(RHA), L/Cpl J. Archie Bamford (details unreadable), Driver T. William Lamb
WW1 - William Ayto, Thomas Armstrong, Ernest Baker, George Deacon, Herbert
Fox, George Cleaver, William Palmer, Sidney Anderson, George Carter, Claude
Hayward, Isaac Adamson, Neville Northover.