Claypole St Peter War Memorials

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Thread Topic: Claypole St Peter War Memorials
Topic Originator: Michael Peck
Post Date February 8, 2006 @ 1:55 PM
 Claypole St Peter War Memorials

Michael Peck
February 8, 2006 @ 1:55 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Claypole St Peter War Memorials have now been recorded, the names mentioned (there are no dates/arms of service etc) are:-
WW1 - Charles Collin, George James Ogden, Cecil Ross, Rowland Swallow, Charles Ironmonger.

WW2 - Clifford Vincent Holmes, Ronald Edward Hall, Alfred John Hull, William Noble, Ralph Noble, Arthur Stewart King Scarf, Aubrey Ronald Medhurst.

Hope this helps someone,
Steve Morse: Further to Mike's efforts
Ogden, George James - 2/6th South Staffs Regiment. buried Mons Communal Cemetery, son of William and Emily, Main St Claypole.
Ross, Cecil - 1st Bn Lincolnshire Regiment - a regular soldier killed 24/8/1914 - La Ferte-Sous-Jouarre Memorial. Son of John Dexter and Emma Ross.
Swallow Rowland - Machine Gun Corps - 23/03/1918 son Richard William and Emma Swallow. Lebuquiere Communal Cemetery Extension ( an extension of the local cemetery which has only cwgc graves. Some men where also buried in communal cemeteries)
Ironmonger, Charles - The only one I can find is Frank Charles, 2nd Bn The Queen's ( Royal West Surrey Regiment). A regular 30/10/14 - Menin Gate Memorial Ypres Belgium.  No details of abode given
Regards Steve
COLLIN, Charles - 2nd Bn Lincolns Regt -
enlisted  - Newark, Notts,  (abode Claypole Notts), 27176, Pte, k in a, 14/8/17.
Buried - Poelcapelle British Cemetery.
Killed in 3rd Ypres (Passchendaele).   Some 70% of men buried here are unknown. It was a concentration cemetery made after the war. The alleged youngest soldier to die is buried here aged 14.