Langtoft War Memorial at St Michael& All Angels Church

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Thread Topic: Langtoft War Memorial at St Michael& All Angels Church
Topic Originator: Michael Peck
Post Date March 6, 2006 @ 12:05 PM
 Langtoft War Memorial at St Michael& All Angels Church

Michael Peck
March 6, 2006 @ 12:05 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

The Langtoft War Memorial at St Michael and All Angels Church has now been recorded (please note that the one situated in the village hall has not yet been done). The names recorded (and there is no indication of which war caused the individual deaths) are as below, there are no ranks or arms of service specified.

George Porter/John Fowler/Henry Flatters/Abraham Warn/Robert Day/Ernest Norman Badger/William Edward Gay/Henry Gay.
Harrold Ayre/James Leonard Goodman/Ernest Thacker/Robert Arthur Plowright.

Hope this helps someone,