Baston War Memorials

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Thread Topic: Baston War Memorials
Topic Originator: Michael Peck
Post Date March 6, 2006 @ 12:09 PM
 Baston War Memorials

Michael Peck
March 6, 2006 @ 12:09 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Baston War Memorials have now been recorded, there are 3. One is dedicated to WW2, one to WW1 and the third is a Roll of Honour. There are no ranks or arms of service mentioned, the names are:-
WW2 :- 1939 - 1945. Victor Cooke/Fowler Pell/William Pell.

WW1 :- To the glory of God and in memory of the men of this parish who fell in the Great War 1914 - 1918.
William Brewin/Cecil Clarke/Archer Cooke/George Hallam/Charles Knipe/Sidney Little/George Pearson/Alfred Dimbleby/John W Pearson/David Sandall/William Sandell/William Sharpe/George Snart/James Starsmore/Thomas Starsmore/John Steele/Amos Stubley/John Tory/Ernest A Turner/Sidney Turner/Charles Wilson/George Wood/Wilfred Wroe/George H Wallace.

Roll of Honour :- In gratitude to the men of this parish who served in the Great War 1914 - 1918.
Fred Boor/Cyril Brewin/Bertie Brewin/Frisley Brewin/Ernest Brudenell/Harold Brudenell/John Campion/William Clarke/Harry Cole/Alfred Cooke/Matthew Cooke/Percy Cooke/Percy Dawson/Harry Dolby/Arthur Dolby/Walter Featherstone/Charles Flatters/John T Flatters/Stephen Forsdick/James Fox/Walter Frisby/Quincy Green/Harry Greatham/William Greatham/Tom Greatham/Fred Greatham/Harold Greatham/William Grummitt/Charles W Harmston/William Herbert/Edward Holgate/John Holmes/Albert B Knipe/Cyril Knipe/Harold P Knipe/Leslie Knipe/George Knipe/Horace Lake/William Lambert/William Lumm/Cecil Morriss/Kenneth W Plowright/John A Pretty/Ernest Riddington/Arthur Reeve/Cecil Snart/Edward Snart/Arhur Snart/William Starsmore/Robert Starsmore/John H Todkill/Arhur Towell/Herbert Ward/John Wardel/John C Whattoff/Ernest F Wilkinson/Harry Wilson/William Wright.

Hope this helps someone,