Belton War Memorials

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Thread Topic: Belton War Memorials
Topic Originator: Michael Peck
Post Date April 6, 2006 @ 12:15 PM
 Belton War Memorials

Michael Peck
April 6, 2006 @ 12:15 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

The war memorials at Belton (near Grantham) have now been recorded. There are three, one is a memorial proper while the second is a Roll of Honour and the third is to a named individual. There are no numbers, ranks or arms of service mentioned except for the individual. The names mentioned are -

WW1 memorial - Dove Frank/Davison Armine/Emerton Walter/Hickman Frederick/Kisington Mark/Mears Laurence/Napping William/Saxelby Charles/Saxelby Walter/Waltham Horace.
Roll of Honour - Roll Call of men from Belton who served in the Great war 1914 - 1919.
Asher Herbert/Baxter Thomas/Beacon Alfred/Bowns William/Catt Harold/Cheetham Wilfred/Cheetham Charles/Clarke Harvey/Clarke Percy/Craddock Francis/Craddock Theodore/Darby Walter/Davison Armine + /Dove Frank + /Emerton Walter + /Exton Ernest/Flowers Herbert/Flowers Rupert/Fowler Matt/Ghent Nevell/Greenbury John/Holland Joseph/Hollingworth Robert/Hollingworth Ernest/Hickman Frederick + /Hurd Albert/Hurd Arthur/Imber Alywyne/Imber Henry/Imber Alfred/Jacobs Herbert/Johnson Philip/Kissington Mark + /Maxey Harry/Mears Lawerence/Mee Charles/Moore Ernest/Napping William + /Pearson Arthur/Powell William/Porter Harold/Rhodes Arthur/Rhodes John/Saxelby Charles + /Saxelby Walter + /Silver Frederick/Thornley William/Wainwright Wilfred/Waltham Horace + .
Individual - To the glory of God and in undying memory of Arthur John Purey-Cust Sub-Lieut Royal Navy and of his gallant comrades of HMS Strongbow killed in action 17 October 1917 in defence of a convoy in the North Sea fighting against overwhelming odds until their vessel sank with colours flying.