WW1 Roll of Honour, St Peter & St Paul, Bourne

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Thread Topic: WW1 Roll of Honour, St Peter & St Paul, Bourne
Topic Originator: Michael Peck
Post Date August 8, 2006 @ 5:01 PM
 WW1 Roll of Honour, St Peter & St Paul, Bourne
 RE: WW1 Roll of Honour, St Peter & St Paul, Bourne

Michael Peck
August 8, 2006 @ 5:01 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

The WW1 Roll of Honour, St Peter and St Paul, Bourne has been recorded. No numbers, ranks or arms of service are mentioned. Names recorded are (as written - some out of sequence)

Harry Allen/Francis N Andrews/Albert Ash/Horace Brightman/George A Brooks/Robert Benstead/Arthur Bates/William Bray/John V Bosley/John Brown/Christopher H Baxter/Sidney Brown (here some writing can't be deciphered, possibly MM and another decoration)/Frank Baldock/Harold Baldock/James Burt/Ewart Carvath/Herbert P Cleary/Harry Clarke/Charles R Creek/Joseph A Carter/Albert E Cursley/Joseph E Clarke/Arthur E Clarke/Albert Chambers/William E Close/John T Haines.

George A Holland/John C Hudson/Cecil Hornsey/J A Hare/Sidney Jackson/Harold L Joice/Stephen Kettle/Frederick John Keale/Frank Larkinson/George Lunn/William Lunn/Cyril Leary/George Mavin/Joseph Morton/Arthur Mason/Fred North/William A Oakden/Ralph Pattison/George Rouse

Harold Pridmore/Ellis Parker/Ernest Robinson/Harold C Reeves/George H Rix (RN)/John J Smith/James H Smith/Frederick J N Smith/George Sherwin/Reginald Smithson/Francis Stubley/Ernest Stubley/John Stevenson/Fred Scotney/Arthur Thornton/Henry W Teat/Jim Tabor/William Thompson/William Smith Michelson.

Alfred Thompson/Arthur Watson/Francis D H Y Wass/William Charles Fred Watts/George A Woodward/Ernest C Wass/Percy Barsby/Leslie Cooper/Walter Cook/Tom Knowles/Lancelot Lloyd/Christopher Mills/Arthur W Lane/Harry Lane/Frank Needham/Walter Needham/Charles E Osgathorpe/Robert Osborn/Jack Parry/Harry Pearce/Richard Parker/William M Toulson/Percy E Stevenson/Wilfred Watson/Ernest Wyles/Thomas B Rhodes.

john freear
November 12, 2007 @ 1:37 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

J.Stevenson was the elder brother of my late father in law who served with the Field Artillery. Jack was wounded, came home and was later sent back and like so many others, never returned. Most of his generation are now long gone and we when they were alive never asked the questions we should have. Consequently we have virtually no information about Jack, not the regiment or corps in which he served nor where he died or indeed whether his body was recovered at all.
Do you have any information,if you have would you be kind enough to pass some to me please, I would be grateful and I know my wife would be too.

Regards John Freear
Kate: Hello John
If you go onto the War Graves Commission website


And put in J Stevenson, First WW etc.  It will come up with 147
J Stevensons some of whom have their christian names.  If you have more details i.e. the christian names, which area of the country he was from and likely to have enrolled in the services in, you may be able to trawl down those names and find the  one you think may be the right one.  If so, click on the name and it will give you a lot more details etc.  i.e. where he is buried if that is known.  I hope you manage to find some useful information.  We found a great  uncle and where he is buried - the family had not known any details all those years and only had a brief letter notifying them of his death.  Good luck.