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Thread Topic: Folkingham
Topic Originator: Steve
Post Date September 25, 2006 @ 1:54 PM

September 25, 2006 @ 1:54 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Firstly - ADANAC Military Cemetery - just reverse the letters to get your answer.  Why you may ask !
  The gate has a maple leaf indicating that it is the first and foremost Canadian Cemetery.  Of the 3172 graves, (of which 1712 are 'known to God'), 1071 are Canadian.
  It is a concentration cemetery except for one original grave - Private A Edwards of the MGC.
  It would seem that whoever wrote out the Roll of Honour, made it up as he went along.
  No doubt some civvy who told the lads on leave 'how lucky they were to be in the trenches'
  Likewise with the Memorial - A J BLUNDY - There is no man of this name in the Lincolns SDGW. The CWGC have Arthur J BLUNDY, 16th Middlesex Regt, 12/08/17, Ypres Menin gate Memorial who would fit.
  John Henry Heathcote BRADLEY - 7th West Yorkshire Regt aged 19 yrs, 21/11/1918 son of Cuthbert and Lucy Bradley, of The Lodge Folkingham and he is buried in Folkingham (St Andrew) Churchyard.
  C GRESSWELL (not Cresswell) 2nd Lincs Regt 23/08/1918, Queens Cemetery Bucquoy (Between Albert and Arras).
  Herbert Sands FARROW, 9th East Surrey Regt (not Royal Fusiliers) - age 26 21/11/1916, Philosophe British Cem Mazingarbe.  I have a number of photos of this cemetery as some 50 of my 9th Sherwood Foresters are buried there.
  The only J MARVIN that might fit is in 36th Northumberland Fusiliers died 15/03/1919 and buried Dunkirk Town Cemetery.
  G H RUDKIN, 2/Lt, MGC, Military Cross, 28/10/1918, died home buried Folkingham (St Andrew) Churchyard.
  Harry SHEFFIELD 1st Lincolns, 20/09/1916, Thiepval Memorial.
  If anyone happens to be visiting Folkingham Churchyard, try and take the time to visit 2/Lt RUDKIN and  Rifleman John Henry Heathcote BRADLEY.