Aslackby (St James)

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Thread Topic: Aslackby (St James)
Topic Originator: Michael Peck
Post Date September 25, 2006 @ 1:56 PM
 Aslackby (St James)

Michael Peck
September 25, 2006 @ 1:56 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

The War Memorials at Aslackby (St James) have been recorded. There are 3, 2 relate to WW1 dead and the 3rd is a WW1 Roll of Honour. No numbers, ranks or arms of service are noted. The names recorded are -
Memorial Stone - To the glorious memory of the men of Aslackby who gave up their lives in the war 1914 - 1919.   Thomas C Pickering 1915/Henry Green 1915/John Edward Stanton 1917/James Tyler 1917/George E Daff 1917/Charles Green 1917/Gerald B Barstow 1918/Herbert Gubbins 1918/Ernest Plowright 1918/Russel Green 1918/James W Plowright 1918.

Memorial Plaque -  The list of names is identical to that above  (I see no point in retyping all again) with the addition of - 'also of Eunice Everett. Organist and teacher'.    

Roll of Honour - Aslackby 1914 - 1918.                                                                           John Smithson Barstow/Herbert Wilfred Barstow/Hugh Cecil Barstow/Gerald Bertram Barstow/Henry Lionel Barstow/Montague Ivan Barstow/George Bates/William Bates/John Henry Bigley/George Christian/William Christian/Thomas George Collishaw/Albert Cresswell/Harold Cresswell/Charles Cresswell/George Daff/Percy Daff/Aubrey Bernard Ellis/Oswald Everett/Horace Everett/Henry Green/Russell Green/Charles Green/Herbert Gubbins/John William Howitt/George Johnson/George E Johnson/William Louth/Alfred Louth/Arthur Metheringham/Thomas Charles Pickering/Ernest Plowright/William Plowright/Frederick Sharpe/John Edward Stanton/John Staples/William Sutton/William Tyler/Joseph Tyler/James Tyler/Herbert Wells/John Young                                            

Then follows a list of men died, identical to the memorial.