South African War Memorial Grantham (St Wufram)

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Thread Topic: South African War Memorial Grantham (St Wufram)
Topic Originator: Michael Peck
Post Date October 26, 2006 @ 7:30 PM
 South African War Memorial Grantham (St Wufram)

Michael Peck
October 26, 2006 @ 7:30 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

The South African War Memorial at Grantham (St Wulfram) has been recorded, it shows three names as below.

Erected by their comrades and fellow townsmen in grateful memory of -
Corporal T.A Baker, Private C.B Thompson, Private A.A Royce
- members of the A and B (Grantham) Companies, 2nd Volunteer Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment whose lives were sacrificed when on active service in the South African War 1899 - 1902.