Grantham St Wulfram

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Thread Topic: Grantham St Wulfram
Topic Originator: Michael Peck
Post Date October 28, 2006 @ 9:22 PM
 Grantham St Wulfram

Michael Peck
October 28, 2006 @ 9:22 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Two slightly unusual memorials have been recorded at Grantham (St Wulfram). The first records the disbandment of the 4th Battalion, Lincs Regt (Royal South Lincoln Militia) on 28th March 1908 and names the following officers (no men are named)
Colonel Lord JP Joicey-Cecil MP.
Major EK Cordeaux.
Captain and Honory Major JG Thorold.
Captain and Honory Major MH Hall.
Captain and Honory Major JA Cole.
Captain GB Massingberd Mundy.
Captain CJE Parker.
Lieutenant CH Mack
2nd Lieutenant EH Owen.
2nd Lieutenant Lord Cochrane.
Captain and Adjutant FD Gibbes.
Lieutenant and Quartermaster W Church

The second memorial is to 3 soldiers who were servers at the altar at St Wulfram, and the memorial was privately placed near the altar by their parents. It names
Joshua Biram Crossley Wigfield Royal Engineers died of wounds in France September 21st 1918 aged 21 years.
Cecil Turner 12th (Battalion) Norfolk Regiment killed in action in France 29th September 1918 aged 22 years.
William Arthur Haydon Lounds 1st (Battalion) Lincolnshire Regiment died of wounds in France 6th October 1918 aged 22 years.