Spittlegate St John

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Thread Topic: Spittlegate St John
Topic Originator: Michael Peck
Post Date October 28, 2006 @ 9:29 PM
 Spittlegate St John

Michael Peck
October 28, 2006 @ 9:29 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

There is a roll in Spittalgate St John which has no heading and I do not know exactly what it is. It obviously relates to the war(s) and servicemen because of the flag and coat of arms decoration, but it has no heading to describe it. There are no numbers, ranks or arms of service mentioned and the sequence is as written on the roll. However it holds a fair number of names and may be of help to someone
1st Col - Herbert Sydney Kemp/Leslie John Dunsmore/Edward Ernest Skeates/Charles Skeates/Charles Stanbrook/Cecil Thomas Beck/William John Frederick Coupland/Albert Edwin Joseph Hewson/Norman Arthur Hewson/Hew Hodgson/Jack Willming/Gilbert Walter English/John Henry Teesdale/Bennett Brown/Joseph Norman Knott/Thomas Aubrey Charity/Arthur Eric Charity/Edgar Birden/John William Griffith/Derek Bonner Birch/Edward Grahem Shepherd/Lawrence Hudson/John Storrs Beaumont/Alfred George Wyman/Kenneth Wyman/Geoffrey Arthur Dudley/William James Johnson/Arhur Ernest Swan/Samuel Ross/Nelson Bass/Roland Bass/John Parker/Avery Hall/Thomas Rouse/John Christopher Heathcote/Edward Reynolds/John Heydon Downes/George William Bowen/Noel Stockdale/Norman Berridge/Jack Wright/Eric Norman Thomas Auckland/Thomas William Tinkler/Raymond Green/William Edinborough/Reginald James Gooch/Frederick Arthur Worrell/Clarence George Alder/William Stanley Alder/James William Butters/John Reginald Lee/Cecil Johnson/L!
awrence Thompson/Edward Smith/Eric Papworth/Louis Neal/Donald William Clarke/John William Searle.

2nd Col - Eric Baines/Eric Fred Willcox/Christopher Aubrey Neal/George Johnson/Arthur Charles Cumn Baker-Beall/John William Cunnington/Derrick Clarke/Pat Douglas Ryan/Dennis Noel Hugh Cattermole/Robert William Cecil Waite/Douglas Henry Waite/Thomas Murray Jones/Clifford Rhodes/Cyril Wood/James Richard Ward/Harry Bishop/John Francis Gregory/George William Alfred Pick/Bernard Wilkinson/Cyril John Ashford/Robert Ronald Ashford/Luke Mapletoft/Percy Potter/John Pizer/William Roger Turner/Frederick Charles Turner/Stanley Clarke/Alec Wood/Ernest Hardy/Ronald Gutteridge/Allan Albert Tinkler/Frank Ernest Booth/Derrick Duller/Douglas Sparshott/Leonard Charles Willey/Sydney Morris Hart/Sydney Harmston/Richard William Allen Banks/Mavis Miriam Barker/George William Pakey/Albert Herbert Pakey/Harold Hobson/George Morgan/George Albert Skeakes/Thomas Henry Cross/Harold Linton Willoughby/Reginald Sydney Laughton/Kenneth Charles Chappell/John Whiley/Frederick Allen Wandby/Clarence John Mann/V!
ivienn Ellis/Stanley Duller/Bernard Albert Campbell Clarke/Harold James Chance/Arthur Francis Wright/Kenneth Charles Chappell.