The Fair

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Thread Topic: The Fair
Topic Originator: anne
Post Date April 2, 2005 @ 7:26 AM
 The Fair
 RE: The Fair

April 2, 2005 @ 7:26 AM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

I always looked forward to the Fair.  The town  seemed so quiet all the year but with the arrival of the Fair it came alive.   The Fair was through the main streets of the town and all the crowd moved along in a cheerful throng, laughing and smiling and watching other people enjoying themselves.  There were stalls for candyfloss, toffee apples and different sorts of rock, such as black and white stripes, brown and white like a paper weight, normal seaside type rock.  There were fortune tellers and one year a tiny lady, about 2ft 6 inches tall.  Some years we had a cowboy show and motorcycle riders and other years the big wheel and the pennymat.  I went most nights and one year when I was about 7 or 8 it was snowing.  I won a goldfish on a stall where you had to throw a pingpong ball and get it in a jar.  I had to carry the goldfish home in its little bowl and my dad always used to tell people about the night I came in  starving cold, clutching that goldfish bowl with one thumb in the water.

I went on to have a very superior goldfish tank, with gravel at the bottom, different sorts of vegetation, pond weed etc. for the fish (several by now).  I used to go to Will Darnes Outfitters in St Mary's Street.  Behind the Outfitters shop he had tropical fish, goldfish and all you needed for your goldfish tank.

Editor's note:  Do you have a memory of your home town?  Your email need not appear unless you require a reply offline.

April 20, 2005 @ 12:40 AM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

I grew up in High Barnet and each year about September/October time the fair used to arrive, from where I lived I could look out and see all the lights.  It was so exciting, I remember my brother and dad going to watch the boxing, my dad was a very gentle man but he always went to watch the boxing!  As I grew up the fair become the place to look for the local talent, perhaps we might even get chatted up by the lads who worked at the fair, forgetting the warnings we had before we left home!  The chips were fantastic, eaten out of cones of newspaper, covered with vinegar (not watered down) and salt.  We would dress up in high heel shoes and best clothes - usually to end up walking around in a thick muddy field!  What memories.

Editor's Comment:  Oh yes, I forgot about the chips!