Dan Entwisle |
Hi, thought you may find this of interest.
There is a project to digitise and put on line old TV news footagle from ATV and Central Television.
I did a search for Stamford....Not a whole lot on there yet.....but this footage is from the opening of the bypass in 1960.
Here's the link.
Kate: Thanks very much for that link Dan. Very interesting. Wonder if they will feature any more gems? I think Arthur Ingram is in the first shot - looking very young - well, it is 53 years ago! Well spotted. Anyone else recognisable?
Dan Entwisle |
Arthur Ingram? That name rings a bell. I think he may have been a teacher at my school - Bluecoat.
Roger Partridge |
Arthur Ingram was definitely a teacher at Bluecoat, was my class teacher for my first year and also my fourth and last year.
Clem Walden |
Hi Dan, I have just been on the site to view 1960 by-pass opening by the then Minister of Transport. Arther Ingram was a teacher at the blue Coat School and lived about 75 yards from myself "Essex Road area" I see his sister Ann from time to time and will tell her about this link that has her brother on. By the way the day before the official opening two local Stamford Lads [Bernard "Bud" Joyce and Dick Needham I believe] decided they would be the first to use this new by-pass and actually did. Most of the locals lads got to know about this at the time and I believe the story was even reported in the local Mercury. Anyway grateful thanks for adding this new link. As you say Kate Arthur Ingram does look young but I supose we all did back then.
Dan Entwisle |
Hi, no problem. I hope they put more archive footage on there as time passes.
I guess Mr Ingram's sister was the mum of two boys I knew. Peter and Paul Turner. They lived on Queen Alexandra Road, and I used to call for them on my way to school at Bluecoat around 1980. I lived on Queen Street. I think they used to refer to Mr Ingram as "Uncle Aurthur."
They probably don't remember me, but please pass on my regards.
roger Hardingham |
I did use some of the film of the by-pass opening in my DVD about Stamford!