Kate |
Years ago the co-op used to deliver bread in a cart pulled by a horse. The particular horse used on our round was a bit eccentric. We used to be a bit scared of walking past it if we had to walk too close. One day I had parked my bike outside the local shop (Wilf Clare's) and the baker parked the bread van outside there too. All of a sudden the horse reared up and ran riot. It trampled my bike and it was badly damaged. The co-op arranged for it to be repaired and paid the bill.
phil |
I remember a chap called George Tee used to look after the horses down at the Wharf Road stables opposite where the car park is now,which was then the gas works.He could be very stroppy but was good at his job.There was no way anyone was going to get one over on him.A Grafter!!!!
Roger Partridge |
I remember the Co-op horse and cart delivering our bread in the Reform St/Torkington St area when the roads were still unmade. It was replaced by an electric powered milk float which had the sides filled in to make it into a van.
John Tyers |
I'm sure the driver of the Co-op bread cart was called Joe and I think his surname may have been Jennings but I could be incorrect.
He was a small man and off his cart with the bread basket over his arm, he really rushed about but was always very chatty with a sense of humour.
John Tyers |
Further thoughts on the Co-op bread delivery. I believe Mr Browett who was formerly in the Co-op Grocery in St Paul's Street was the final bread cart driver before the abandonment of the round.
joan Stafford |
Was there also a Mr. Broughton on the delivery , Seem to remember that name.
Also Askers had a delivery and the chap that delivered that we called "the midnight Baker", always so late, way past tea-time.
syd |
John, I had forgotten about little Joe, what a smashing man he was, he let us kids ride with him for a bit while delivering, I don't know why, but we used to say to him, Hi Tish and he came back with Hi Tosh, silly I know, seems a million years ago now.
John Tyers |
I recall Mr L.Bland on the Co-op milk cart and also I think Mr Dumford who also was the landlord of the Reindeer.
Roger Partridge |
Kate,going back to your original post, I remember another bike getting damaged outside Wilf Clare's shop. This must have been around 1960 and the bike was parked in the narrow lane at the side (we called it the "Coke Road") and the pedal was bent by a coal lorry (I think?) trying to pass down the lane.
Kate: Thanks Roger. I wonder who that one belonged to?
Phil |
Hello John,Thanks for putting that in about Jennings.Ithought he might have been the bread man but the old memory's not good.Anyway his name was George and he and his wife Ivy lived two doors away from us in Rutland Road.She spent her day's always with a fag on but lived well into her 80's.
Jim Hussey |
The Midnight Baker was Vic. Davis of Sandringham Close, sadly no longer with us.
Jim Hussey |
Len was a popular milkman in the town center and the north east part of the town. I replaced him when he retired around 1976 I had the round for 17 years but he was a hard act to follow. He used to live in the house next to the hairdressers on St Leonards st.
Kate: Hi Jim. Thanks for that. We always like to add names to the list for others to recall.
Clem Walden |
Hi-Phil, I remember George Tee he was indeed a grafter and as you say could also be a bit "stroppy" I would often visit the old stables with friends and do recall George giving us strict instructions:- Move back:-stay there:-stand still:- you should not be in here:-this is private property. But would have to say the horses loved him and he was very good at his job. Fond memories.
Keith Hansell |
Also he would dress up as Father Christmas and take presents to the chlidren...... who I assume were on his round. However one year he burst into our house by mistake instead of next door. Those days you didnt need to lock your front doors. Hi Keith - which was one this? George, Vic? I bet the children liked him.K
Phil |
John,Sorry you were right about Joe Jennings the baker,he had a brother called George they both did the bread delivery on the co.op.horse and cart. One over your side of the town the other over ours.Saw my brother this weekend he told me when the horses finished poor old George had no licence to drive so he was demoted to the Depot.Wasn't the bread lovely!!
Richard Campbell |
I remember the delivery man...he deliverd to my Grandmother in Gloucester Rd.....As a child I was fascinated by his wallet.....it had some sort of diagonal elastic straps in it and when you put a note in it and folded the covers back the note became trapped inside.
John Tyers |
The bread was great Phil; I think it was actually baked at the Co-op Midland Road site in Peterborough but I could be wrong. Sometimes waiting for a train back to Stamford at Peterborough North station directly opposite, you could smell the bread being baked, wonderful!
Clem Walden |
Hi Richard, Thanks for the posting about the "wallet with the diagonal elastic straps" I used to think it was a "magic wallet" and well remember observing on many occasions how the notes would be placed on one side then end up trapped under those elastic straps. Ten shilling notes most of the time? A pound note would have been a special treat? Not sure if the magic wallet could have managed those old large five pound notes? By the way you can as I am given to understand still buy these "magic wallets"
Although today with PCs pay on line facilities and ones salaries
in general being paid direct into bank accounts, together with the commercial World at large accepting debit/credit cards. Perhaps carrying large amounts of cash in "magic wallets" should be avoided?
Thanks for recalling a fond memory.
David Farman |
I remember the co-op Man ,his name was Joseph, we used to refer to him as Little Joseph as he was small in stature. I think he used to live down St George's street. When he delivered in Queens Walk I used to wait for him and he used to let me sit on the back step of his cart and have a ride, no health and safety in those days, he always called me Tish Tosh. ! Oh happy days !
leon |
Hi,i can remember the co-op man I can also remember the milk man he was Mr Dobbs is stable was down at the end of Bath Row