Stamford's Great War Participants (War Memorials)

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Thread Topic: Stamford's Great War Participants (War Memorials)
Topic Originator: James Davies
Post Date September 8, 2005 @ 3:54 AM
 Stamford's Great War Participants (War Memorials)
 RE: Stamford's Great War Participants (War Memorials)
 RE: Stamford's Great War Participants (War Memorials)
 War Memorials/John Patrick

James Davies
September 8, 2005 @ 3:54 AM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

I am researching the names on Stamford's War Memorials from the Great War.
It seemed a shame to me  that many of these men (and one woman) appeared to have been largely forgotten  except on one day a year-11 November. I decided to try to build a picture of their pre-war lives and military service to help others to remember and research  the sacrifice they made.

I have built up a database of almost 300 Stamfordians who died during the war, and a further 1500+ who served and survived.
Would be interested in hearing from anyone who can add to the story of these Stamfordians, or if I can be of assistance to those researching their family members' role in the Great War.

November 2, 2005 @ 8:47 AM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Private Edward Henry Patrick was my great uncle. He was the seventh of ten children (3 boys, 7 girls) born to John and Mary Patrick in 1895. His father John worked at Melbournes' brewery as a maltster journeyman and died as a result of being crushed by a barrel at the brewery in 1901. The youngest of the family at that time was only one year old,  so the responsibility of head of the family and bread winner fell to the eldest son John William (my grandfather) who was only 12. John William obtained a job at Williamson Cliffe  brickworks,  where he worked on the brick presses. Here he lost 2 fingers in the press making him ineligible for military service. Ted joined the territorial army before the war,  so was in action from 1914. Ted died from wounds he sustained the previous day in the third Battle of Ypres (Passchendale) on the 27th of September 1917 aged 22. He is buried at Hooge Crater cemetery. His family have visited his grave 3 times. His memory is held with great pride.
Regards, James
Thank you for that interesting information about your family James and the part they played in Stamford life and in the Great War. Have you tried looking in the Stamford Mercury for the report on John Patrick's accident at Melbournes Brewery?  The Library hold microfiche and you may be able to find the report if you know the date fairly accurately.

David King
September 25, 2006 @ 11:47 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

My Grandfather John Eayrs who ran the tailors shops on the corner of St Mary's St was in the great war. My father and i went to the war records place in Kew and found out a bit about him. An extraordinary thing was that he had to take his own motorbike with him to use. When he eventually came home the army wouldn't let him have it back and so bought it off him together with all the spare parts. We managed to get copies of the bills from Kew. Quite incredible.
Kate:  What a cheek!  Great bit of ancestry, war  and Stamford history though.
Thanks very much for that David.

Richard Standley
April 14, 2009 @ 4:30 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

My great uncle Percy Oldham was in the Great War. He died on the 4th July 1916. The son of Mrs E Oldham. He is In the Hannescamps Military Cemetry. I have his diaries and a very interesting photo of the 1st/4th Lincolnshire Regiment also on the photo is my grandfather Arthue Ewart Baxter who was a Corporal until his demotion and loss of pay for taking his men down to the river to bathe. He is also reported to have been badly injured in his arm and I believe was one of the first to have his arm reset with Rabbit nerves.He died in 1933 when a piece of shrapnel moved into his heart.
Kate: Thanks for that Stamford history Richard.

Sue Barker
October 11, 2011 @ 4:30 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

I too had heard the story of John Patrick being crushed by a beer barrel. However, having done extensive research into the Patrick family history, I can confirm, from John Patrick's death certificate, that he died of heart failure at home during the night of 20/21 July 1900 at 3 Frisby's Buildings, Stamford, age 45. My grandfather Percy Patrick, his 10th child, was only 2 weeks old. There are details of the inquest in Stamford Mercury.
Kate:  Thanks for sharing your research Sue.