BARLOW Ann born approx 1820 in Stamford

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Thread Topic: BARLOW Ann born approx 1820 in Stamford
Topic Originator: Brenda Owen
Post Date September 8, 2005 @ 2:14 PM
 BARLOW Ann born approx 1820 in Stamford

Brenda Owen
September 8, 2005 @ 2:14 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Also see entry on Ancestor Gateway for BARLOW William
I  am looking for the parents of an Ann Barlow according to the 1861 census Mdx she was born in Stamford. Lincoln her age differs in all the census years and she died in Mdx.1893 age 73. I have had great difficulty in trying to trace her before 1861  she was married twice she married a Thomas Holgate in 1844 and gave her fathers name  as John Barlow a Bricklayer and her husbands fathers name was William Holgate so I don`t know if that was correct  then again in 1887( but had been living as Ann Cooper from 1856) when she married Frank(Francis) Cooper and gave the name of William Barlow (deceased)as her father.
I found an Ann Barlow christened 1821 Saint Michael Stamford Lincoln with a father of William and a mother of Susanna on the IGI so I was hoping that your info would be her parents but Williams age is more like one of the brother`s IGI Oct 1816. If you have any ideas I would be really grateful.
Ed: If anyone knows anything of this family please contact Brenda OWEN her email address is on the Ancestor Gateway section of the main site.