Mel |
Harold Palmers Electrical shop was in the shop where Lambs kitchen shop is now in St. Mary's Street. When we were about 20 we used to go to Palmers and rent a radio! for our holiday. I can't remember what we paid for the rental. We used to have it for a week to take away on holiday with us. Harold Palmer lived in Tinwell Road Stamford.
Mike |
I worked for Harry Palmer from 1959 to 1966 doing TV repairs, he also sold records and other electrical goods. The electricians were based in Wharf Road under what is now Keyhole Kates, then it was the Conservative Club
Kate: Thanks for that Mike. You have reminded me that the workshop was there. I was working at the Town Hall at the time, which is just round the corner.
a t goodchild |
I was the first person who harry employed back in 1951. he had a workshop at the back of the george hotel backing on to church court where i lived so i didnt have far to go to work. evev so i was always late. harry taught me a lot which held me in good stead later on in life.
barry hilliard |
before it was palmers this shop was owned by my grandad cicil claydon where i was born in 1949 he used a bike to take batteries up to wittering. barry hilliard.
Roger Partridge |
Hi Barry, Hope you're OK. Remember you from Bluecoat over 50 years ago!
barry hilliard |
hi i just remember your name but cant place your face sorry . long time has past since those days . my most thing over Bluecoat was dinner time when we had frog spawn for pudding i put mine in my hanky ( ukk ) then tipped at the back of the school . lol
Roger Partridge |
Hi Barry. Fortunately I went home for dinner, so didn't have to suffer! I presume it was sago they were trying to serve.
I can remember a lot of names and faces, but sometimes can't remember if all these people were in our year or the year below. But of course I remember them all when they were 11 years old! So if I was to return to Stamford for a reunion, I probably would not recognise many people.
I remember you having dark hair, I was tall and skinny. Still tall, no longer skinny and not much hair left!
Judy Boxall née Sweetnam |
I was very interested to find these memories of Harry Palmer's shop. My mum was his wife's (Peggy) best friend & we often visited their house in Tinwell road. Mum was godmother to one of their daughters. We lived in Bourne. Peggy is still alive, I visited her fairly recently, a lovely lady.
Anna Clarke (nee Palmer) |
So lovely to find these memories of Dad's shop and how he started out in a workshop at The George. The shop is now occupied by Black Orchid in St Mary's Street but the front looks a different shape. I have many memories of visiting the shop with its listening booth for records. When I was at The Bluecoat, the Headmaster Mr Walker used to send me down in the lunch hour to pay his bill which felt very special. Those were the days!
Thanks Anna. You may find some other memories on the site. Keep reading.
Derek |
I remember buying a record player from Palmer's electrical shop in St Mary's Street, sometime during the early seventies. Because I was paying cash and not having it on hire purchase, I asked the shop assistant if I could have two free LP records to go with it. The fact that I had chosen two double albums led to a quickly arranged meeting between the assistant and a gentleman who I assume was the shop manager. After much deliberation between the two it was agreed I could have the two albums to go with it. So with my newly aquired record player and two prized freebies, it made for a very happy journey home.