Kate |
Does anyone have any information about either of these two properties? Paul Reedman is enquiring in connection with the Reedman family. See under topic Ben Reedman.
Paul Reedman |
Had another fantastic day in Stamford today and found Reedman court after speaking to Mary in Tourist information. It's right in the middle of St Georges Street and has a plaque on the wall. I was just taking some pics of it and the lady who owned came out so I explained who I was and she invited me in for a chat. I found out she is wife of Councillor Bisnauthsing called Pam. She was really nice and showed me round letting me take pictures and stuff. She explained that the house used to be 2 houses and that there used to be a passage by the side of the house that used to go to the second one. As it's now one house the passage is bricked up. Pam also helped me out with something else. I told her all about my g g granddad Ben being a town councillor and with her council connections said she'd ring the town hall to see if I could get some info. I told her it would be closed as it was about 3pm but she said, "Oh don't worry about that. I'll speak to my old mate Bob". So she rang Bob and invited me down straight away. I couldn't believe it when I got there. Bob took me down to the archives through all the old bits of the building including the dungeons which was great. I joked on the way "you're not gonna lock me up are ya". Usually all these areas aren't open to the public. I felt like an excited school kid. It was great. We finally got to the archives and found Ben's original declaration forms which were in emaculate condition. It was like they were written a couple of hours ago. I got a couple of photocopies and said thanks to Bob who only does a few days a week as he's retired but loves looking at old archived stuff. Again what a great day and can't believe all the wonderful people of Stamford are so kind and helpful. As Arnie Scwarzanegger says "I'll be back"
Kate: Thanks for that Paul. So glad you had another good day in Stamford. You are piecing together the bits of your ancestry and having a nice day out into the bargain.
Stanley House - This was owned by a branch of the Story family. Tom Story (who owned St Michaels Motors in Broad Street) was the son, and his family and my side of the family are related but to be honest I am not sure how. I think they lived there until probably the late 60's (a guess)
Clem Walden |
Hi-Paul, I am pleased you had a great time in Stamford Town hall dungeons etc, Bob is a great guy. Harrish and Pamela Bisnauthsing are very good friends of mine, and the house you mention that has the plaque "Reedmans Court" was in fact the house my father was born in year 1906. When Harrish and Pamela Bisnauthsing first moved there they invited my father down, as his family and ancestors had lived there in the 18 century. My ancestors have lived in this Town for some three centuries and were "Tinmen & Braizers" master craftsmen their trade was making pots and pans etc, that they would with horse and cart visit all the surrounding villages selling their wears etc."Reedmans Court" at one time had workshops at the rear, the old bottle well still remains in the rear of this property and several years ago when this was investigated various tinmen tools were discoverd in the bottom of the this well. I am sure if you visit again Harrish Bisnauthsing will give you further information about this oldest house in Stamford or put you in contact with myself who will be able to show old photo's of this house that my father and his family once occupied.
Patrick |
Reedman`s Court
I was told many years ago that the round chimney was one of the original pillars inside St.George`s Church which were removed hundreds of years ago when the Church was `modernised`. Several pillars were reused as chimneys but they disappeared as houses were rebuilt or demolished leaving this one as the sole survivor. Anyone else heard this story?