School friends Reunion Class of 1958 Stamford High School Reunion 28 June 2008

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Thread Topic: School friends Reunion Class of 1958 Stamford High School Reunion 28 June 2008
Topic Originator: Kate
Post Date March 21, 2008 @ 12:57 PM
 School friends Reunion Class of 1958 Stamford High School Reunion 28 June 2008
 RE: School friends Reunion Class of 1958 Stamford High School Reunion 28 June 2008

March 21, 2008 @ 12:57 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

NOTE: Be sure to check date, venue etc either with Doreen or Old Girls Association before setting out for the Reunion.

Doreen Platt (nee GRIFFITH) is hoping to see as many of her class mates as possible  at a 50th Reunion on 28 June 2008 At the annual High School Old Girls Association meeting.
Two girls Doreen remembers, who she would like to see again, are Liz Oxby and Kathleen Walton.  If you  were in the Class of 58, and wish to join in the Reunion, Doreen would love to hear from you. Please ring  Doreen who is a member of the Old Girls Association, on 01946 820987.

Clem Walden
March 24, 2008 @ 10:57 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Kathleen Walton is a relative of mine, she now lives in Kansas USA, her married name is Guinty, I am sure she would like to hear from any of her old school friends, long way to come to a reunion? if you wish to contact her e-mail me..
Kate:  Thanks Clem.  I will try to make contact at this end so that they are aware of Kathleen's location.
Thursday - I have contacted Doreen and she now has your email address Clem.  So hopefully, she will be contacting you.  She seemed very pleased to hear where Kathleen was.