Winter Slide Talks - Stamford Museum

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Thread Topic: Winter Slide Talks - Stamford Museum
Topic Originator: alan tutt
Post Date January 6, 2009 @ 3:14 PM
 Winter Slide Talks - Stamford Museum
 RE: Stamford Museum Winter Slide Talks

alan tutt
January 6, 2009 @ 3:14 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

May well be of interest to many who look at this board. All begin at 7.30 & last one hour with lots of slides. Tickets are £5 from the Arts centre (where they are held) (tel 763203) They are:

Thur 19th Feb, Running Wild in a market town, Mark Crick, obvious, surprising and plain odd wildlife in Stamford

Thur 5th March, In Search of Daniel Lambert, more about Dan on the 200th anniversary of his death, P Massey
Thursday 8th January 2009 - Posted, the postal history of Stamford, by Keith Hansell

Thur 22nd Jan - Sickness & Health, a history of healthcare in Stamford, by Philippa Massey & Lea Rickard

Thur 5th Feb - A Little Learning, the provision of formal education in Stamford, orthodox & not so orthodox, Phil Massey



Kate:  Lots here of interest.  Wonder if the Health Care one will feature Johnsons Chemist of which we were all so fond? Or give us some more insight into Daniel Lambert - worth going to see and hear.

John Tyers
January 10, 2009 @ 1:47 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

If Johnsons Chemists are mentioned in the talks; hope their own "Stanfords patent Linctus" is not forgotten!  Well remember scores of bottles lined up in the shop.  A cure-all if ever there was one, pleasant to taste and quite addictive.  Mind you dont know what was in it and whether if, in fact, it did you any real good?

Kate:  Anyone remember or have experience of STAMFORD'S PATENT LINCTUS?.   Can't remember that one - that's why we like people to write in and remind us.  We remember those massive display bottles of coloured liquids - blue and red??