Shelter/Melbourne Rd/allotments

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Thread Topic: Shelter/Melbourne Rd/allotments
Topic Originator: Phil Rudkin
Post Date February 18, 2009 @ 9:14 PM
 Shelter/Melbourne Rd/allotments
 Allotments/near Blackstones
 RE: Shelter/Melbourne Rd/allotments
 It was allotment heaven
 RE: Shelter/Melbourne Rd/allotments

Phil Rudkin
February 18, 2009 @ 9:14 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

I sent the mercury cutting about the air raid shelters to my cousin, John Nickerson, born in Stamford, who now lives in Waterlooville, near Portsmouth.   John lived in Melbourne Road.  He sent me an email about the shelters.  I will extract the salient points:
" I remember the brickbuilt war-time shelters very well.  Most streets had them, although very few people used them.  The one up Melbourne Road, which was built to accommadate all 44 houses there, was such a miserable place in the winter (damp and dark, and no lighting of course), that nobody would dream of venturing out to get to it.   It was just inside Stamford School Field (that bit known as Springfield).  So, you had to go through some allotments to get to the shelter.  In the drier summer days I think that it was used by courting couples.   Most houses had made their own provision for safety.  My Dad, and Mr. Walton from next door, dug an underground shelter.  It was lovely and snug, well lit with a lantern light, a stove for warmth, and enough bunk beds for all of us kids"
I wonder how many people remember the allotments? Phil.

Joan Stafford
February 19, 2009 @ 5:58 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Hi, Phil,
My husband (Geoff) remembers the allotments behind Melbourne Road,  Does anyone remember the allotments between Blackstones and the Ryhall Road Post Office, with a footpath leading to Uffington Road. Great gardens, lovely rhubarb.

Clem Walden
March 1, 2009 @ 8:05 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Hi Phil, I remember the Melbourne road allotments, & wonder if the the Mr Walton you mention was Alan Waltons (Bow's) Dad, they are my relatives Alan had 3 sisters Muriel,Ann,& Kathleen, Alan married Pamela Francis (Colins sister) my Dad, Mum, Sisters & I would visit the Waltons on Sunday afternoons in the late 40s I still keep in contact with all Muriel lives in NZ, Kathleen lives in the USA, & Ann lives in Eastbourne, Alan (Bow) was the only one who stayed in the Town, the family all moved to London in the 50s.

March 11, 2009 @ 7:23 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Living with allotments:
Looking back to my childhood in the 50's, it seemed that Stamford life was synonymous with allotments. I was born at Eight Acres and as a child looking out of the bedroom window, all I could see were allotments, right over to West Street and all along the boundary with Rock Road. This huge area now houses St Gilberts School and Somerfields Supermarket.

In 1959 we moved to West Street Gardens, houses that were built on another large allotment site. When I eventually left home in 1968, my first marital home was in Stirling Road, more houses built on an allotment site.

It seemed back then, so many people were out on their allotment growing their own vegetables or if they didn't, there were some excellent fruit and veg shops in Stamford.

Nowdays almost everyone goes to Morrisons Supermarket or goes off in a car to find a Sainsbury's or a Tesco's.

I wonder what happened to all the money made from the sale of all those allotments?

Somebody would say it's progress. I know which way of life I prefer.

Happy Days!

Clem Walden
March 12, 2009 @ 7:04 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Hi Martin, Stamford was indeed synonymous with allotments, from the 1950s onward considerable development has taken place & many allotment areas were used, have no idea what happened to all the  money,but feel sure "Fred Goodwin" did not get any in his pension package? many changes have taken place since 1974 when SKDC took over the Town & all the assets. Various areas were sold off, but you will be pleased to know we still have many allotments owned by Stamford Town Council, & recently were able to get the Queens Walk allotments back from SKDC. We are hopeful the Recreation Ground will be returned to the Town & negotiations are at present taking place, I like you & many others remember when Stamford was controlled by Stamford I doubt if that can be achieved again but we can keep chipping away & trying to return some of those assets that once belonged to the Town. Our boundry position places us right on the fringe of LCC & SKDC & Stamford always comes last, however I can assure all there are those that are trying very hard to make sure the voice of the populous of this Town can be heard.