ST JOHNS King's Messengers

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Thread Topic: ST JOHNS King's Messengers
Topic Originator: Anne
Post Date April 21, 2009 @ 7:27 PM
 ST JOHNS King's Messengers

April 21, 2009 @ 7:27 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Iwent to St. Johns School when Miss Boosey was the Headmistress I remember starting junior school in 1944.  Miss Boosey was the Headmistress.  The schoolhouse was in the playground and Miss Boosey's mother lived in the house with her.  Other teachers there were Mrs Barker, Miss Chapman and Mrs. Ireland. There was a rockinghorse in class I.  At Christmas we all got a present and I remember I got plasticine.  Before Christmas we made paper hats and crackers and decorations out of crepe paper to string across the room.  Sometimes we had music and were allowed a "turn" at conducting.  I remember the teacher wouldn't let me use the baton in my left hand - I was left handed.
We had school dinners but after a few days I persuaded my mum to let me go home at lunch time as I preferred her cooking!

anne June 5, 2005 @ 8:58 AM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Editor's note:  Do you have a junior school memory?  Your email need not appear unless you require an answer off-line.

Kate June 5, 2005
Miss Mary  Boosey Headmistress of St John's School, Stamford, Lincolnshire passed away peacefully at Westminister House Nursing Home, Bourne, Lincolnshire on  27th  May 2005 aged 99.

Roger October 29, 2007 @ 7:29 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Was at St John's 1954-57 Miss Boosey and Mrs Ireland (and the rocking horse) were still there plus Mrs Lottie Bryant and Mrs Beaton.

Miss Boosey must have been about ten years younger than I thought she was!
Kate: I had to work out Miss Boosey's age for when I was at the school.  She seemed a lot older than all the mums but must have been about the same age or just a bit older.

John November 11, 2007 @ 11:23 AM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

I started St.Johns school about 1953 and the first thing I can remember is learning the national anthem.In the book the word King had been crossed out and Queen had been written in,in ink.There was also a teacher called Miss Beaton who we called beatroot we were all scared stiff of her.I loved to play in the sand pit and get on the rocking horse. Miss Boosey was headmistress then and she seemed old then. I think she only died about 3 years ago and was well into her 90,s.She in fact is buried in Stamford Cemetry next to my father.The last time I visited his grave I gave hers a bit of a weed and had few words as I don't surpose she gets many visitors.
Kate:  Nice one John.  I am not sure if her mother is buried anywhere in the cemetery.  She also lived to a good age - seemed about 90 also

also took us on a Wednesday after school to "Kings Messengers" and to St Johns Church on a Sunday Morning.  
I can remember the Rocking Horse and having my first coloured pencil (blue or red) to write with in the bottom class.
Kate: Hello Betty.  I wonder where that rockinghorse ended up?  I expect it was well worn out by the time the school closed.
What was "Kings Messengers"?

betty bradshaw November 8, 2008 @ 6:27 PM Edit  |  Delete

Kings Messengers was a religious group where we went to a small house at the back of Bath Row after school and I think we did knitting and sewing.  We also had a gold metal badge with a cross on it.  I can remember Davinia Green and possible Pat Hayes going with me.  If they read this they might remember a bit more  Betty
Kate:  Thanks Betty.  Perhaps they will read this and add a bit more.

Richard Standley April 21, 2009 @ 2:32 PM Edit  |  Delete

I was also a King's Messenger and remember well the house in Bath Row Alan and myself we were the packers. I don't know how because we were only small. I still have my badge and it looks as good as new.Gold with a cross on it  something I have always treasured.
Kate:  Thanks Richard.  Does anyone else remember being in
"King's Messengers"?

Roger Partridge
April 21, 2009 @ 11:56 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Hi Richard - I remember going to that old house off Bath Row after school, it was down a passage off Castle St. Forgotten we were called "King's Messengers"