Stamford School Staff 1974/78

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Thread Topic: Stamford School Staff 1974/78
Topic Originator: Kate
Post Date June 11, 2010 @ 6:57 PM
 Stamford School Staff 1974/78
 RE: Stamford School Staff 1974/78
 RE: Stamford School Staff 1974/78
  Stamford School Staff 1974/78
 Stamford School Staff 1974/78
 Stamford School Staff 1974/78
 Stamford School Staff 1974/78
  Stamford School Staff 1974/78
 Stamford School Staff 1974/78
 RE: Stamford School Staff 1974/78
 RE: Stamford School Staff 1974/78
 RE: Stamford School Staff 1974/78

June 11, 2010 @ 6:57 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

with acknowledgement to Charles F Kemp

Stamford School Staff 1974

back row (l to r) Dr E Gobbett, Mr J Mickelson, Mr A Chapman, Mr M Thomas
Mr A Hancock, Mr B Hodgson, Mr B Bamberg, ? ? Mr P Rank, Mr J Mitchell,           Dr J Slater, Mrs D Baker, Mr H Allen
Two standing separately extreme left below window Mr C Daniel, Mr G Woolf
middle row  Mr R Collingwood, Mr L Lumley (Bursar), Mr E S Marriott,   Mr G Howard, Mr J Hartley, Mr P Christopher Head of History, Mr B Frere
Mr G Earl, Mr K Bell, Miss D Ennals, Mrs M Birch, Miss K M Dilks, Mr W Douglas, Mrs D Vine (Bursar's Secretary), Mr B Appleyard, Rev D Harley
Front Row Mr M Chew, Mr M Ward, Mr J Craddock, Mr L Wolfenden, Mr G D Sinker, Mr R Moody, Mr A Tomlin, Mr R Shelford, Mr H A Staveley, Mr B McKenzie,
Mr D Hughes, Mr  Packer, Mr J Brown, Mr K Riley, Mr R Chapman Mr D Cruickshank, Miss G Wyman (Head's Secretary) Miss H Marsh,Miss H Chilton, Mr G Johnstone


Stamford School Staff 1978

Very back row (in between other heads)
Bursar Mr J Callaghan Dr E. Gobbett Dr J Slater, Mr J de la Haye (the very tall one_------Mr B Hodgson, Mr J Mailly Mr J Scarborough
Mr M Crosby, Mr R Haynes__________Mr A Hancock, Mr G Woolf, Mr R Bamberg________(tall one) Mr C Thorley, Mr C Illsley Mr H Allen
Mr D Brown _____________  ___________  Mr M Barton

Mrs M Gibson, Mrs P Pouillain, Mrs M Birch, Miss K M Dilks, Mr J Marshall,
Mr S Walker, Mr J Speak, Mr E S Marriott
Mr G Howard, Mr M Thomas Mr G Earl_________________Miss H Marsh
Miss H Chilton Mrs D Baker, Miss M Wyman (Head's Secretary) Mrs D Vine (Bursar's Secretary)

Mr B Freere, Mr J Michelson Mr J Craddock Mr R Chapman Mr G D Sinker
Mr K Bell Mr D Cruickshank
Mr H A Staveley (Head) Mr B McKenzie Mr M Chew Mr K Riley Rev D Harley
Mr M Ward Mr B Appleyard Mr G Johnstone


Simon Burt
October 9, 2010 @ 11:32 AM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

The missing teacher in the back row is  I believe Mishael Rice who taught English.

Simon Burt
October 14, 2010 @ 8:12 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

On the 1978 photo I think the master next to Bob Bamberg may be Alan Hardy who I remember taught Classics but was not at the school for very many years

Simon Burt
January 10, 2012 @ 10:23 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

The master on the 1974 photograph between Peter Christopher and Bart Frere is I believe  the then head of the History Department George (?) Searle

Roger Partridge
January 11, 2012 @ 7:58 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Simon, it was Graham Searle, the master on the other side of Bart was George Earl, must have been very confusing. George was still a pupil when I was at the school and only retired a year or so ago.

Like his predecessor, David Maland, Graham wrote a book on history and left the school soon after it was published.

Gillian Hendy
January 12, 2012 @ 6:53 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

George Earl (I think) second row middle ish (very tall) used to work at Wally William's the greengrocers that was located on the corner of High Street and Ironmonger Street.  I think it was his second job at weekends.

I worked there for a year or so as a Saturday girl and in the Summer holidays too during the mid 70s.   We often would go in on a Sunday to re-stock the shelves and I remember George was so funny.   He was quite  mad too which always went down well with two 16 year olds :)  

I can recognise Rev. Harley as his wife, Jean, used to teach me at the Stamford School of Speech and Drama.

I also recognise David Hughes who was House Master at Northfields House.  I was friends with his youngest daughter and we had many a happy time playing in that lovely large house during holiday times.

I also recognise Mr Chew, Dr Gobbett, and Alan Staveley.

Simon Burt
January 12, 2012 @ 7:35 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Of course the Head of History was Graham Searle not George but I am sure that he is the missing teacher in the photo.

I recall that he left Stamford School in the 1970s and eventually ended up as Headmaster somewhere.

Andrew Storm
February 26, 2015 @ 8:42 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Graham Searle went to Colston's in Bristol. Left, I think, at the end of summer term 1974.

Liz Murphy
March 1, 2016 @ 1:12 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Isn't that Michael Rice between George Earl and Hilary Marsh?

Chris Dodkin
September 12, 2018 @ 11:31 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Correct - That's him

Richard Rollings
September 17, 2018 @ 6:09 AM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

I have filled in some gaps from the 1978 photo as I remember them

Bursar Mr J Callaghan Dr E. Gobbett Dr J Slater, Mr J de la Haye (the very tall one Mr Smithson,Mr B Hodgson, Mr J Mailly Mr J Scarborough
Mr M Crosby, Mr R Haynes Mr Walker, Mr A Hancock, Mr G Woolf, Mr R Bamberg Mr Hardy, (tall one) Mr C Thorley, Mr C Illsley Mr H Allen
Mr D Brown Mr Byrne  ___________  Mr M Barton

Mrs M Gibson, Mrs P Pouillain, Mrs M Birch, Miss K M Dilks, Mr J Marshall,
Mr S Walker, Mr J Speak, Mr E S Marriott
Mr G Howard, Mr M Thomas Mr G Earl, Mr Rice Miss H Marsh
Miss H Chilton Mrs D Baker, Miss M Wyman (Head's Secretary) Mrs D Vine (Bursar's Secretary)

Mr B Freere, Mr J Michelson Mr J Craddock Mr R Chapman Mr G D Sinker
Mr K Bell Mr D Cruickshank
Mr H A Staveley (Head) Mr B McKenzie Mr M Chew Mr K Riley Rev D Harley
Mr M Ward Mr B Appleyard Mr G Johnstone

Roger Partridge
September 27, 2018 @ 8:29 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

With the exception of Alan Staveley, all the masters sitting down on the front row were there when I was a pupil 1961-68. Sadly Mike Chew and Ken Riley died earlier this year, and Mike Ward, George Sinker, David Harley, Bruce McKenzie died within the past few years. I think only John Craddock and Brian Appleyard still survive