Slide Talks on Stamford's History

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Thread Topic: Slide Talks on Stamford's History
Topic Originator: Alan
Post Date January 9, 2007 @ 2:08 PM
 Slide Talks on Stamford's History
 RE: Slide Talks on Stamford's History
 RE: Slide Talks on Stamford's History

January 9, 2007 @ 2:08 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

There are 5 slide talks taking place at Stamford Arts Centre, put on by Stamford Museum - they will be of interest to anyone keen on finding more on Stamford's history. They are virtual walks:
St Peter's St to Tinwell Rd  22nd Feb
Stamford's Markets 8th March
Station to Station 11th Jan 2007 (already taken place)
St Leonard's Street to the Priory 25th Jan ("  "
Stamford Theatre & Arts Centre 8th Feb (already taken place)
Tickets from the Arts Centre tel 763203, £4.70. All start 7.30pm
Thanks for that information Alan. I would be happy to post up any other items you want to put on.  Anyone interested contact the Arts Centre phone number.  They sound very interesting - why not give it a try?

Paul Reedman
January 10, 2007 @ 8:52 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

It's a shame they're on so late at night with me living in Yorkshire and all that. I would have loved to have gone. Do you know if they have any plans to show them earlier in the day?
Kate:  Hello Paul - how are you?  Nice to hear from you.  Not sure if there are any additional showings of the slides.  I will post this on the site and hope that Alan (who submitted this info) will reply as I am sure there may be others who also perhaps can't get to these dates and times and would like a chance to hear the talks and see the slides.

January 11, 2007 @ 1:38 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Sorry, but they are all one-off performances.
Kate:  Thanks anyway Alan.  Sorry Paul - unlucky this time.