Congregational/Albert Hall photos added

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Thread Topic: Congregational/Albert Hall photos added
Topic Originator: Robin Dickinson
Post Date August 18, 2011 @ 12:18 PM
 Congregational/Albert Hall photos added
 The old Congregational Hall in the High Street
 RE: The old Congregational Hall in the High Street
 Congregational Hall/choir practice
 Congregational Hall
  Congregational Hall in the High Street
  Congregational Hall/Albert Hall
 Congregational/Liberal Club
 Congregational/Albert Hall
  Congregational/Albert Hall
 Congregational/Albert/photos added
 Congregational/Albert photos added
 Congregational/Albert Hall
 Congregational/Albert Hall
  Congregational/Albert Hall
 Congregational/Albert Hall
 Congregational/Albert Hall/Mrs Piggott
 Congregational/Albert Hall
 Albert Hall/photos old arched doorway
  Congregational/Albert Hall photos added
 Congregational/Albert Hall photos added
 Congregational/Albert Hall photos added
 Congregational/Albert Hall photos added
  Congregational/Albert Hall photos added
 Congregational/Albert Hall photos added
 RE: Congregational/Albert Hall photos added
 Congregational/Albert Hall photos added
  Congregational/Albert Hall photos added
 RE: Congregational/Albert Hall photos added
 Congregational/Albert Hall photos added
 RE: Congregational/Albert Hall photos added
 Congregational/Albert Hall photos added
 Congregational/Albert Hall photos added

Robin Dickinson
August 18, 2011 @ 12:18 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Does anyone have any information or old photos of the Congregational Hall when it was sited where  Tescos and the other shops are sited now. The old door and archway to it are ,i believe, now built into the gable end wall of . Pirrie's Opicians in Maiden Lane ?
Hi Robin.  Is this the same as I remember as The Albert Hall?  Not sure. Anyone out there put us right? Kate

Roger Partridge
August 19, 2011 @ 8:45 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

I also remember it as the Albert Hall.

Robin Dickinson
August 20, 2011 @ 11:15 AM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Hello to you Kate . Yes it was called the Albert Hall. As I remember a model railway exibition was held there every year in the late 1940s and early 1950s and I beleive a local "Fur and Feather " club held their annual show there every year.Does anyone have any photos of these events? More importently does anyone  have any photos of the hall and it's front entrance on High St ?

August 20, 2011 @ 5:32 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

The Albert Hall was also used as the Congregational Church Sunday School as many will remember.

It was also used on a Thursday evening at one time for a club called Pilates.  

I also remember singing in a choir run by Mr. Harvey.  I used to go with Jean Harvey one evening a week.

Mike Laughton
August 20, 2011 @ 6:26 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

I remember the Albert Hall vividly. It was one of the town's main halls for hire and the only one bang in the centre of the town.
Stamford Operatic Society, The Pantomime Players and The Gilbert and Sullivan Society all used to use it for rehearsals during the 1960s and youth groups used to hire it for their Christmas parties. It was a nice sized hall with a small stage that had a proscenium arch.
You used to enter between the shops and walk along a narrow footpath to get to the main hall but there were also smaller meeting rooms for hire which were located above and around the shops.
It stood on the site now occupied by Tescos and the Tesco car park.
I only ever heard it called The Albert Hall (presumably after Queen Victoria's husband) and wasn't aware that it had any connection with the Congregational Church. I think Deer's shoe shop was one of the retail outlets at the entrance,

August 21, 2011 @ 10:46 AM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Robin,Just a thought that the Albert Hall bottom end must have been about at the back yard of your Dads shop .I can remember George Parker sending me to your shop to borrow things knowing full well that your Dad would give me grief.On returning to the Co.Op George would say ,All right mate laughing?,all part of growing up I suppose!!Hope you are well .Regards Phil

August 21, 2011 @ 5:06 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

The Albert Hall was definately part of the Congregational Church as my brothers and I went to Sunday School for years  there.  Other families included Dartnells, Gigners and Turners The Sunday School teachers included Mr. Smith and his sister from the little shop in Ironmongers Street and Miss Bingham from the St. Johns Amnbulance

Robin Dickinson
August 22, 2011 @ 10:25 AM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Hello Phil , nice to catch up with you again. You had it easy dealing with my Dad , you only had grief now and again, I had it all day long !!!  Not really. I don't live in Stamford now but everytime a friend of ours ,from Stamford, comes to visit we have this discussion about the Albert Hall . She remembers the Hall and it's entrance quite differently to me . Phil I don't remember the back of our shop looking onto the back of the Hall . I remember a window at the bottem of our yard looking over the back yard of Charlie Flack the grocer.Having just found this site it is wonderful catching up on all the memories published on it .  Again can anyone help with photos of the Hall. And , Phil, I am well and I hope you are too

August 24, 2011 @ 8:29 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Can anyone else remember the Liberal Club which stood about where Johnson the Cleaners is now? There was a billiard table in there where I first played snooker. I have a memory that there was a door next to it that opened on to a passageway to the Albert Hall.
Kate: Hi Patrick.  Good to hear from you.

Clem Walden
August 25, 2011 @ 5:20 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Hi Patrick, I remember the snooker table in the Liberal Club, In fact when Stamford had a Billards and Snooker Leauge 1940/50s various leauge games were played there, also at places like the Consevative Club. Labour Club. Fire Station. Police Station. Blackstones. High Street,(above Burtons) I also believe the British Legion had a snooker table at the time. Stamford area had a lot of billard and snooker tables then. Your refererence to a door into the Albert Hall from the Liberal Club I can't recall. You mention Johnsons Cleaners being the Liberal Club, I thought next to the Liberal Club was Deer and Sons boot store. then the Co-op drapery, (now Wilkinsons) then the Albert Hall. that was next to Gilberts who I think had both a fruit and veg shop and a tailors. On the corner of High Street and Maiden lane was the National Provincial Bank (now Nat West) I remember the National Provincial because I opened my first bank account there depositing the large sum of five shillings. Not sure if I have got all the shops etc in the right place? But do hope to have some photo's of the Albert Hall and street scene 1940/50s in the next week or two and will post the same should my supplier come up with the goods "so to speak"
Kate: Hi Clem - looking forward to seeing those photos.  Thanks for your contributions.

Robin Dickinson
August 26, 2011 @ 11:10 AM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

In the 40s and 50s the Liberal Club used to be over ,what was then, Bourne Laundry, it is now Johnsons Cleaners. It was a very popular club and indeed it had a snooker table in it. My Dad used to play billiards there. Then came television and club members went down !! The door Patrick refers to was next to the COOP drapery department ,now Wilkinsons,
Kate: Hi Robin.  We may be getting the photos you requested.  Thanks for raising the topic.

Andy Matthews
August 26, 2011 @ 8:39 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

I believe the Albert Hall was there until the late 1960's when that section of High Street was developed.  It was demolished and the Congregational Hall was duly built in Broad Street which took over many of the functions of the Albert Hall.  It's hard to imagine what that section of High Street looked like now!!

Clem Walden
September 8, 2011 @ 7:00 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Hi Patrick and Robin, I have posted the photo's of the East End of High Street to Kate. The old Albert Hall entrance can clearly be seen just behind the bike. Not sure what make of car that is in the photo's could it perhaps be a Morris? Would have to say looking at these old photo's brought back many memories. Interesting to note the old
Co-op drapery (Now Wilkinsons) still looks the same as it did in the 40s/50s. I am told by Mary at the Arts Centre that the Albert Hall entrance door when removed was resited in the Town. At present I have not actually asked where but do intend too. Should anyone wish to see tha actual door may I suggest you visit the Tourist Board at Stamford Arts Centre.
Kate: Thanks very much for that Clem.  There will be a short delay in adding the photo - sorry, my technical problem will sort asap.
Have now managed to upoad - but so far only one size.  If sent as a JPEG I think I could get it to enlarge.  Anyway, at least we are able to look at Albert Hall High Street Stamford as it was in the 40s and 50s.  Thanks again Clem.

Albert Hall

Albert Hall Stamford

by kind permission of Clem Walden

Robin Dickinson
September 11, 2011 @ 9:15 AM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Hello Clem, thanks for finding the photos of the entrance to the Hall . Really looking foward to seeing them. The old door was indeed replaced when the developers demolished the the Hall. It is now built into the east wall of Pirries Opticians on Maiden Lane. You  can see it by going into Tesco's loading area in Maiden Lane .This door is the old door with it's wonderful stone archway.  My friend remembers going into the Hall through a "new" green painted door. This is why I hope your photos will be able to resolve our "discussion"
High St door to Albert Hall

Stone head High St door to Albert Hall

Stone Head High St door to Albert Hall

Robin Dickinson
September 19, 2011 @ 5:10 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Many thanks Clem for the photos. they are a great help into solving my problem . I have also enlisted the help of the Stamford Library who have found some old photos which were in the Stamford Museum. Next question. Can you identify the shops next to the Albert Hall door ?  I can spot Tom Gilbert's fruit and veg shop.and the bay window  on the extreme right of the photo looking east were where Lyalls auctioneers and estate agents  office was . I believe  Deer's shoe shop was somewhere on this site. Can anyone help ?

Clem Walden
September 20, 2011 @ 11:30 AM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Hi Robin. The first shop on the right of the Albert Hall I confirm was  W.H.DEER & Co Ltd. The next shop with the sun blind down I believe was GILBERTS Tailors (but I am not 100% sure).But as GILBERTS Fruiterer is next door (At number.50) it seems logical both their shops may have been together. I can confirm they did have two shops in the High Street. As you say the bay window was LYALLS Estate agents and if one looks close at the photo two people can be observed looking in the window perhaps they purchased a property that day? I am given to understand BRICK & SONS Builders and BRAINT & CARR Accountants were located in the tall building next to the NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK. Hope this added info helps?

September 25, 2011 @ 10:12 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Hi Clem - a great photograph and it shows how little some of us remember! I had forgotten how far down the High Street the Albert Hall entrance was or it may have been due to arriving at The Liberal Club via The Stag and Pheasant, The Rising Sun and The Half Moon.
According to Ken Ford (who else?) the shops along that part started at the corner with Bourne Laundry. Ken says that that building was first the Drill Hall for the Lincolnshire Volunteers, then became The Liberal Club in the 1920s and the dry cleaners in the 1950s. Next door, Wilkinsons, No: 44, was where Thomas Gilbert started his greengrocers in 1925 before moving to No: 50 when No.44 was bought by the Co-Op. Nos: 45-46, Tescos, was the Albert Hall with part of the front occupied by Thomas Bell, a hairdresser. No 47, the newsagents, was Henry Deer`s boot and shoe shop which he later ran together with his shop in Ironmonger Street. Ken has no information on No:48 other than saying in 2003 it was a gift shop, Kissing Fish. No:49, the N&P Building Society in the 1950s became Susan`s Baby Wear. No:50  (at a later date Pendulum Records) was Thomas Gilbert`s second greengrocers. No:51 in 1950 was Thomas Lyall and Co, Auctioneers, and next door was, and is, the Bank.
Kate: Thanks Patrick.  I hope we all remember these?!

John Tyers
September 26, 2011 @ 11:24 AM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Somewhere among those shops, was one selling knitting wool and haberdashery.
Kate:  Yes John.  I remember buying knitting wool from there.  So which one of the shops was it and what was it called?  I can see the arrangement of wool now.  I often looked for the thick wool, 4ply upwards, as it meant a jumper emerged before the winter was over.

June Rollings
September 26, 2011 @ 5:46 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

I  think the shop which sold wool etc was called Susans and I think that it was owned by a Mrs Piggott, and her son.  I  believe they lived at one of the Luffenhams.   The shop also sold dress materials and some childrens clothes.  I remember buying two dresses for  my two five years old bridesmaids for my wedding in 1959.   The  business moved to St Marys Street some time after that.

Joan Stafford
September 26, 2011 @ 8:06 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Wasn't the shop with knitting wool Susans that later moved into St Mary's street where Muriel Hurns used to be, she sold baby clothes.I could be wrong.

October 17, 2011 @ 10:15 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

photos of old arched doorway added to 11th September posting.  The archway is sited in the Tesco loading bay car park which is in Maiden Lane and behind
Pirries opticians. (Information supplied by Robin Dickinson).  Who were  the heads modelled on?  Do our history guides tell us? Anyone know anything about this ancient doorway?

Robin Dickinson
October 20, 2011 @ 11:55 AM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Nice photos Kate, thank-you. When I told an old school friend of mine about the Albert Hall door he commented that I must remember about it as we went  to the Albert Hall every Christmas to perform our Nativity Play, and also to have our Christmas party. He also said that we went there once a week to do our PT lessons. I do remember the Nativity Plays there but I'm not so sure about the the PT lessons . We attended the school in the late 40s early 50s. The school was Priory School on Brownlow Terrace. The Headmster/Mistress were Mr and Mrs Whitely . We called him "Pop"  but certainly not to his face . I also remember a teacher called Mrs Woods teaching there. Does anyone else remember this school and it's teachers before the Whitelys retired and Mr and Mrs Teal took over as Principals ?

November 18, 2011 @ 2:19 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

The arch of the door now faces the Tesco car park on the E side of the first small house S of the entrance to the car park.  This is NOT the opticians!  It is not on the gable end of any building!

Peter King
April 19, 2013 @ 10:20 AM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Hello Clem Walden,
By pure chance I was looking at your details about the Albert Hall Stamford.When I was young my friends and I had a party there I believe I was 10 or so at the time.
When it was decided that the site was to be cleared and sold my uncle purchased the Hall and removed it to his business, he has used the building for storage since and it is in use today.
I thought this may be of interest to you.
Regards Peter King

Stu French
April 23, 2013 @ 3:13 AM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Are you the Robin as in Dickenson's butchers?
In which case "hello Dobin". If not then for an
Old Stamfordian who has lived overseas for 50
Years this site is a gold mine.  Cheers

Stu French
April 23, 2013 @ 1:53 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Are you the Robin as in Dickenson's Butchers? If so, then hello Dobin.
If not then just to say that I happened upon this site & as an Old Stamfordian
who's has lived in Canada for nearly 50 years, I find it quite a gold mine.

Robin Dickinson
April 26, 2013 @ 8:07 AM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Hello Stu . Yes I am said "Butcher," and I too am an old Stamfordian who retired in 1998 and 3 years later moved away from Stamford . Not quite as far away as you ; I only went 30 miles away .
I see from reading the OS magazine that you seem to visit the old school nearly every year . I have been back to the school only once ,on summer reunion day in 2010  . I went with my son . It was 50 years since I had left and 25 years since he had left so it seemed quite appropriate to do so.
  I understand Rupert Taylor went out to Canada also . Do you hear from him ! Came to your fair country in 2006 . I can see why you went there , wonderful country ,wonderful people .
Good to speak to you , maybe meet up one day .
   Regards Robin

Catherine Doubleday nee hardingham
December 5, 2014 @ 9:12 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Hello robin I remember the albert hall well,and of course I attended priory school as well. We used to have the school Christmas party there sometimes and also put on a play or panto. I remember Mr. And Mrs. Whitely well and Mrs woods. I now live near Guildford surrey, but do visit stamford now and then particularly the horse trials at burghley as my eldest daughter has treated horses there. When I was very small I know my mother and other mothers used to go to the albert hall to get baby milk and orange juice that was rationed.

robin dickinson
December 9, 2014 @ 12:29 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Hello Catherine , it must be several unmentionable years since we were both at "Pop Whitely's " school . Hope all is well with you . One of my fondest memories of the Congregation Hall was it's yearly exhibition of model trains .Does anyone also remember this exhibition.  I no longer live in Stamford having moved away after living there for nearly 60 years . Thought it about time I saw a bit more of this world of ours . Good to catch up with old ,no sorry young faces again .

John Tyers
December 14, 2014 @ 6:21 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Recall taking my late young cousin John Banks to see Harold Elliot's Gauge 0 scale model railway in the Albert Hall about 1951.  During our visit, he offered a railway book as a prize in a railway related competition he ran that evening and I think if my memory serves me right, the late Tony Richardson won it.  Some years later Mr Elliot opened a permanent exhibition in Scarborough.

Jennie Sharman
June 16, 2016 @ 6:24 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

My sister and I went to the old Albert Hall to a Sunbeam Sunday school and we'd sing "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam".  We were very young and I cant remember who led the singing or names of anyone else that attended.

Betty (Bradshaw) Thorp
June 21, 2016 @ 1:32 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

I too went to Sunday School here along with Gerald and Colin Bradshaw also Shirley Blades.  We always had a lovely Christmas Party and in the summer we went to Wickstead Park.  I think the Gigner family also came to Sunday School and Nigel Dartnell.  There is a few for starters

Betty Haddon
June 21, 2016 @ 9:49 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

My friends and I used to go to Jumble Sales at the Albert Hall,this would be in the 50's .There would be a long queue along the path waiting for the door to open.We would buy things to 'dress up' or books and old jewellery.We once returned home bearing fox furs and ostrich feathers which my Mum wouldn't  allow -they were put on the Beeston in the kitchen and went up in smoke! The Jumble Sales were always busy and you got jostled by the regulars.
I only found this site recently and enjoy browsing the different topics,so many memories and great to see names I know.
Kate: Pleased to hear you are enjoying reading the different topics Betty. The photos help to jog the memories too. Thanks for posting.

Betty (Bradshaw) Thorp
June 22, 2016 @ 10:17 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

I have just remembered Miss Smith and her brother were Sunday School teachers  They ran the little shop at the bottom of Ironmonger Street.  I have a feeling Miss Bingham also was a teacher.

John Tyers
June 23, 2016 @ 5:44 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Coincidentally saw Colin Bradshaw this afternoon.  Sadly Nigel Dartnell passed away a while ago.  I envied him his job as a top link driver on the HS125 express trains and well remember him swinging himself manfully into the cab of one at Peterborough, revving it up and speeding off northwards.  We were fellow pupils at St John's School and much later served briefly in the same army unit before he was posted further afield.