garage Scotgate Stamford

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Thread Topic: garage Scotgate Stamford
Topic Originator: elaine
Post Date July 12, 2005 @ 6:25 AM
 garage Scotgate Stamford
 RE: garage Scotgate Stamford
 RE: garage Scotgate Stamford
 RE: garage Scotgate Stamford

July 12, 2005 @ 6:25 AM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

There was a garage in Scotgate  (I think may have been called Wheatley's?) near where Jacksons bathrooms centre is now.  We went into the garage and asked one of the workmen if they had any old car wheel inner tubes they didn't need.  They found one and pumped it up for us.  We used to carry this down to the swimming pool every time we went and use it as a boat to float on the large pool.  I don't think it would have been allowed today!

March 21, 2006 @ 5:47 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

The garage you refer to was "Wheatley's & Farrow's" next to it was a court (houses) known as Brittens Court, the other side was Rock House. Wheatley's & Farrow's had a converted "Rolls Royce" that they used as a pick-up truck for recovering broken down cars. I remember when Rock House was lived in and the surround grounds were all gardens, I use to play in the gardens, a splendid house & fantastic gardens, long before Forsyth & Ferriers took the site over for their garage & workshop.
Ed:  Yes I remember that garden.  I think during the war the house was used as a billet.  Not quite sure on that.

November 1, 2007 @ 7:31 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

I remember Wheatleys and Farrows well. Back in 1959 my father bought a brand new Austin A35 van from them, trading in a 20 year old Morris 8 Series E. Those were the days when cars were subject to purchase tax, but vans were not. So you could have a brand new vehicle for about £390 (including front passenger seat and heater - £360 without) whereas a similar car would have been about £550 minimum.

Wheatleys and Farrows had 3 premises in Scotgate: Wheatleys Garage, which they later converted to a showroom and having been extended and refurbished is now the bathroom centre, Farrows Garage on the opposite side of the road under the arch near Rock Terrace, and opposite Wheatleys a small yard with lock ups and at the front their motorcycle showroom.
Kate:  Yes I remember that difference with the van.  The mini car was a case in point.  The vans were quite cheap compared to the car.
Anyone else have memories about this garage or did you buy a van instead of a car?

john freear
November 2, 2007 @ 1:50 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Rock House was used during the war by the Polish Paratroop Brigade. I remember them marching in Stamford during a church parade. It was strange to see them doing a kind of goose step like the Germans but not so exaggerated.
Kate:  My Grandma had a Polish 'lodger' during the war.  We were all quite fond of him.