Stamford piano teachers

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Thread Topic: Stamford piano teachers
Topic Originator: Jill Matthews
Post Date April 25, 2012 @ 9:29 PM
 Stamford piano teachers
 piano teacher/Hilda Aldwinkle
 Piano teachers
  Stamford piano teachers

Jill Matthews
April 25, 2012 @ 9:29 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Hilda Aldwinkle taught me and my sister in 1958/9. I remember my family speaking of Miss Tinkler (no,really ) in Broad Street (I think) - she taught mum's cousin Ethel Conrad (nee Brown) and also Malcolm Sargeant - later Sir Malcolm Sargeant. Does anyone have any memories of him or his childhood and great family connection with Stamford?

Tina Parry
July 7, 2012 @ 7:49 AM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

I remember Hilda Aldwinkle, we lived near her in the 70's. Her house never had electricity! I used to do her shopping and any errands she needed; also used to exercise her dog. She tried to teach me piano, but we both agreed I wasn't really musical!  Nice to be computer literate though! Thanks for posting.

John Tyers
July 9, 2012 @ 6:29 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

My first piano teacher back in 1942 was Miss Wade (later Mrs Fenn) on Wothorpe Road.  Later on I, too was taught by Miss Aldwynckle in Tinwell Road and subsequently by Mr H.B.Sharp and then Mr R.Chapman at the grammar school.  I think parents thought in those days, it was good for children's development to attend music lessons and also join a church choir!  I enjoyed both activities but never insisted on my own children following my dubious example.
Kate:  I remember those lessons and all that practising before the next time.
I was supposed to write down how many minutes a day but am afraid I was a bit economical with the truth.

Caroline Bentley
July 22, 2017 @ 9:44 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

I had piano lessons in the late 60s /early 70s with a Miss Riddington. There were two Riddington sisters that lived together. I dreaded going to my lessons because you never knew what mood she was going to be in. If she was in a bad mood, she would shout and rap me on my knuckles. Was anyone else taught by her?