Priory Road

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Thread Topic: Priory Road
Topic Originator: Karen Booth
Post Date June 6, 2012 @ 10:05 PM
 Priory Road
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 RE: Priory Road
 RE: Priory Road

Karen Booth
June 6, 2012 @ 10:05 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Does anyone have memories of Priory Road houses built I believe c.1909, when the 40 Houses were "new-builds"?
I understand that previously the land was an orchard, and  the 40 houses were built by Bowman's builders, possibly for their employees (?) also that the foremen got the wider plots that are next to the allotment access roads (wide enough so now those have garages)
I was also told they were the first houses to be built with upstairs/indoor bathrooms
Kate: Hi Karen.  Thanks for this topic.  Anyone have any memories of Priory Road?  Think this was quite an historical area, with friaries and monastries etc. and St Leonard's Priory.

Gillian Hendy
June 8, 2012 @ 8:33 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

I can remember this road when it was a very quiet road.   Before the land opposite Pinfold Lane was built on, when it was allotments.  I often wonder how long it will be before the land to the back of the older houses on Priory Road will be built on, or maybe that Bowmans development already has got that far.

It's a shame that it is so busy now :(

Clem Walden
June 9, 2012 @ 2:21 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Dear Karen, I have a map of the area 1912 that I will try to forward to Kate for posting on the site. Lower Road shown on this map later became Priory Rd; There was no development at all beyond Brazenose Lane/Cherryholt Road in 1912; Other than the Stamford Rutland General Infirmary; which was built on the old site of Trinity/St Stephens Churches  & the old White Friary; Ryhall Road on this map is shown as Bourne Road; The housing development that followed in both these areas came some time later; Priory Road [Lower Road] previously was an allotment site; Apart from the area that falls behind St Leonards Priory fronting the Welland River which was then Priory Farm; Interesting to note this side of the River is shown as being in the County of Lincolnshire the opposite side being shown as Northamptonshire. Bowmans Blds premises were not located in Cherryholt Road until later; As for the deveolments of Priory Rd & Ryhall Rd I am given to understand Ryhall Rd came first followed by Priory Rd; I am also given to understand both these housing developments were constructed in 1914-1920 It could be they were not constructed until after the 1914-18 war; With the Bourne Rd being re-named Ryhall Rd- And Lower Rd re-named Priory Rd. Following the first World War many new ideas on housing construction were introduced throughout the UK and upstairs bathrooms were one such construction change; Regarding Bowmans Blds and the story re-wider plots/garages whilst I am unable to confirm otherwise I would doubt if this is fact; As Bowmans were only a small family company in 1914-20 and providing such modern housing as that for a forman construction of a valuable site to provide housing for and few would have had cars at the time; Hope this helps; But it may be a good idea to visit the Stamford Library who may be able to provide more info.

Priory Road 1912
by kind permission of Clem Walden

Clem Walden
June 10, 2012 @ 11:44 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Dear Karen & Gillian. On reading Gillians posting I thought I should add this to my previous posting; Bowmans site development was of course Bowmans Yard & Workshops which they owned. Sadly this very old well established Stamford  company recently ceased trading. As regards the present allotments behind Priory Road they are still owned by Stamford Town Council.  Stamford Town Council still own 300 plus allotments within the Town and really could do with more [Not less] the public demand for allotment plots continually increases each year.

Clem Walden
June 11, 2012 @ 3:52 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Dear Gillian & Karen, It may be of interest to note; That the Stamford Rutland and General Infirmary was designed in 1828 by J.P.Gandy. The design of this new infirmary provided those within to have a clear visual view across the welland valley in order to see Burghley House.
I understand this visual request was orinally made by Lord Burghley himself and is the subject of records and recorded within the original deeds and documentation for the infirmary development;
Lord Burghley obviously at the time wished to prevent any future developments in front of this new Infirmary taking place; Had this request been adhered too the housing develoment oposite Pinfold Lane and Priory Road would never have taken place. I have no idea who/when or how the rules got changed but it would be interesting to know?

Keith Hansell
June 11, 2012 @ 9:18 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

I too can remember it being a quiet road with allotments opposite.  A very good friend of mine lived at number 8 and next door, at number 9, lived Mr and Mrs Locke. When the queen visited in 1961 they were presented to her as the oldest couple in the town. Living at Adelaide St, the fields at the back, known as the green, were our play area, where we spent many a happy hour. The field directly behind Priory Road was where Linda Johnson, of Johnsons the butchers, kept her pony.
A couple of months ago I had cause to visit Priory Court. Before its construction there was a disused quarry on the site, with a flat grassed piece of land, where again we occasionally played. Along with Belton Gardens, this was owned by the Priory school.
Another play area of ours was down Cherryholt Lane (yes I know it say’s road on the sign but it was always known as lane) amongst the piles of stone being stored there by Bowman’s. To my mind, the offices of Bowman’s were a charming building, which lost its character when they extended its frontage.

June 12, 2012 @ 7:15 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

My grandparents lived at 29 Priory Road and moved in about 1932.The house was next to the second entrance to the field.It had 3 bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs(no toilet) but only electric downstairs so a candle was needed at night,great fun!!The toilet was outside right round the back of the house but joined to it.On the field at the back,although on a slope Priory Sports had their cricket ground in about 1959.I played a couple of games for them and Jack Parsons was the captain,his son also played in the team.They lived on the last house in the row.Mr Warner and his son Alan lived in the first house and of course Alan became a big name in recording in the States.Mr Warner was choir master at St Martins Church..
Kate: Yes Phil, think we have a photo of Priory Sports cricket team  on the photo gallery.

June 12, 2012 @ 11:01 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

I think when Lord Burghley gave the land there was a covenant to prevent any building on the land, but, as we all know, where profit is to be gained,  the covenant was ridden over roughshod, who had the last say SKDC, Stamford Council, Peterborough Hospital? who knows.

Clem Walden
June 13, 2012 @ 11:29 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Hi Syd, I can confirm the development directly in front of the Stamford Hospital took place after 1974 when old Stamford Borough Council was taken over by SKDC. I wonder who did change the rules?
Hows your golf game?

June 15, 2012 @ 5:55 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

I expect the developer paid to have the restrictive covenant lifted.

Linda Ball (formerly Johnson)
July 16, 2013 @ 4:30 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Hello, I was amazed to see my name mentioned in connection with keeping ponies in Priory Road. What fun times, and all those wet, dark, school mornings in winter up early to feed hay.  Stamford's history draws me back like a magnet.  Now retired, I am researching the sites of the Greyfriars and the Whitefriars mentioned elsewhere in the Gateway Forum.  I am trying to find out about a stone building or barn which appears in the background of a photo taken in 1913 on the NW corner of the St Paul's Street/Brazenose Lane/Priory Rd/Pinfold Lane site, now thought to be the site of the Whitefriars. A building is recorded in a drawing in the same position by Stukeley (1736), on Knipe's Stamford map (1833) and on a tithe map about 1842.
Kate:  Hi Linda.  I hope someone on the Forum can help you with your research or at least point you in the right direction.  Any forum members know the background to these buildings?

July 28, 2017 @ 10:56 AM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Here are the names of residents along Priory Road in the 1960s which might evoke a few memories.

1    Ruffato E                           17  Wheeler H                         33   Walker Miss M
2    Loft Mrs L M L                    18   Simpson Mrs                     34   Brockbank C
3    Meddick Mrs R E                 19   Croft Mrs A                       35   Plant W
4    Edinburgh E D                    20   Ireland Mrs G                    36   Burfield A P
5    Alldrit E H                          21   Pell Mrs G H                      37   Mitchell A
6    Spencer J                           22   Ward C T                          38   Perkins C E
7    Balfour T F                         23   Wright R J                         39   Saunders S G
8    Pozella Saverio                   24   Askew A                           40   Parsons J T
9    Querney D                         25   Douglas H J                      
10  Collin B F                           26   Jacobs D H                
11  Wilcox Mrs A E                    27  Tipler A                      
12  Wilson J M                          28                                                                
13  Smith A T                           29   Thiselton Mrs M
14  Croft G D                            30                                  
15  Pridmore J E  "Tremezzo "    31   Johnson Mrs M
16  Fletcher L E                         32   Christmas W H          

" West Limes "          Wallace Major J F
" East Limes "           Lowe Mrs C C
" Orchard House "     Carter Mrs
" St Nicholas "           Lister J H
" Casita "                  Beaton J
" Priory View "           Fairgrieve J M
" Melrose "                Woodhead R
" The Priory House "   McKenzie B M

August 3, 2018 @ 8:58 PM Reply  |  Email  |  Print  |  Top

Hello I am able to tell you that a family called Brew lived at number 30priory