Mike Laughton |
It is my imagination or was there a time when Stamford British Legion Club was based in the former Sycamore Showroom in the town's St Peter's Street?
I know that until the mid-1960s the British Legion Club was near the Green Hill on what is now part of Warren Keep (near the town bus station).
And eventually the organisation moved into the former Drill Hall building in St Peter's Street.
But I seem to think there a time in the late 60s/early 70s when the British Legion was housed in the former Sycamore Showroom site.
Is this correct or am I completely mistaken?
John Tyers |
Was it not based in the Drill Hall for a short time after demolition of the bus station premises? I think it then became the Stamford Ex-Services Club.
Roger Partridge |
I think Sycamores retained the St Peter's St premises until at least the mid 1970s, the old buildings immediately behind going up the yard were definitely in Sycamores' use in 1972. I don't recall the RBL ever being there.
The showroom itself was quite small, either one large car or two Morris Minors was the maximum capacity. The "room" on the other side of the entrance behind what had been the petrol pumps was even smaller.
Clem Walden |
Hi John you are correct the old drill hall that was once the home of Stamford T.A. was purchased by John Frisby and fully refurbished to become Stamfords Royal British Leigion Club. Colbrave Construction carried out all the building works and my old company Steemson Walden carried out all the electrical design and installations. The lighting was very special and decorative and employed the latest Rotaflex track lighting with coloured wheels and framing spots for the stage area. Thermocheck Fire Protection which was co owned by Colbrave and Steemson and Walden dealt with all the relevant fire regulations and associated works. Looking at my old Mercury records I have a picture of the opening night that shows; Mr Jimmy Hill [Secretary] Mrs Ann Rouse-Mrs Josie Barwell-Mr Bob Barwell-Mr Aubrey Barwell [Club Chairman] Mr John Frisby and my good wife Mrs Pamela Walden. Shipstones Brewery were also involved and Mr P Chambers -Mr J.E. Wain and Mrs J Hill are also in this Mercury photo. The Legion Club was used for a long time for various functions disco's etc. Prior to to it being sold for housing developments. I will try and post Kate some photo's the only problem being they newspaper cutting photos and the quality may not be suitable for posting on this forum.
Hi Clem. Think the photos have reproduced ok? Anyway I am sure some will recognise themselves. Thanks for those. K